What is Amazon A9 Algorithm? Understanding the E-commerce Giant's Search Engine

Amazon's A9 algorithm is the foundation of the search engine rankings on the massive e-commerce platform. This algorithm determines which products are shown and ranked based on a user's search query. As sellers on Amazon, understanding this algorithm and adopting an effective Amazon SEO strategy is imperative to drive sales and grow your online business. […]
November 09, 2023  /  15 min read 
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Amazon's A9 algorithm is the foundation of the search engine rankings on the massive e-commerce platform. This algorithm determines which products are shown and ranked based on a user's search query. As sellers on Amazon, understanding this algorithm and adopting an effective Amazon SEO strategy is imperative to drive sales and grow your online business.

As with any search engine, Amazon A9 takes into account several factors such as keyword relevancy, pricing, and product content to determine the ranking of listings on their platform. Sellers must strive to optimize their product listings with relevant keywords and high-quality content, paired with competitive pricing to achieve higher rankings in the search results.

Key Takeaways

  • Amazon A9 algorithm determines product rankings on the platform based on search queries and other factors
  • A well-optimized Amazon SEO strategy is crucial for sellers to improve visibility and sales
  • Keyword relevancy, product content, and competitive pricing are essential factors in achieving higher rankings

What Is Amazon SEO?

Amazon SEO focuses on optimizing your product listings to rank higher in the Amazon search results, increasing visibility and sales. The A9 algorithm is the foundation of Amazon's search engine and determines which products appear based on their relevance to a user's search query. To improve your Amazon SEO, you need to understand how the A9 algorithm works and the factors it considers, such as keywords and sales conversions.

Choosing the right keywords is essential for successful Amazon SEO. When customers search for products on Amazon, the algorithm matches their queries to the most relevant product listings. To optimize your listings, make sure to use the most relevant and popular keywords in your product title, bullet points, and description. This will help Amazon's algorithm understand which search queries your product should appear for, increasing your product's visibility.

Ranking higher on Amazon is influenced by several factors. A significant one is having a high conversion rate, which means a higher percentage of users who visit your product page end up purchasing the product. The A9 algorithm prioritizes product listings with higher conversion rates, as it indicates that customers are finding the product relevant and valuable. In addition, having a competitive price, good customer reviews, and fast shipping can also contribute to better rankings on Amazon.

Another aspect to consider is advertising on Amazon. While running Amazon sponsored products may seem unrelated to organic rankings, it has been observed that it can impact your organic SEO. By using ads to drive more traffic to your listings, you can potentially improve your conversion rate and sales velocity, which the A9 algorithm may reward with better organic rankings.

In summary, to succeed with Amazon SEO, focus on selecting relevant keywords, optimizing your product listings, and driving traffic to your listings through advertising. By understanding the A9 algorithm and its factors, you can improve your product rankings on Amazon, resulting in increased visibility and sales.

Why is Amazon SEO Important?

Get More Sales

Optimizing your product listings on Amazon can help increase your sales conversions. When your products rank higher in Amazon's A9 algorithm, they get more visibility, which leads to a higher click-through rate and ultimately more sales. By understanding and implementing Amazon SEO, you can improve your products' organic search rankings and drive more sales.

Increase Brand Visibility

Increasing your brand visibility on Amazon can have a significant impact on your business. A higher search ranking not only means more sales, but also helps in building trust and credibility among customers. It allows potential buyers to recognize your brand and associate it with high-quality products. By optimizing your listings, you can ensure your brand gets the attention it deserves, thus securing your position in the extremely competitive Amazon marketplace.

Get Traffic Without Paying for It

Effective Amazon SEO enables you to get traffic without having to pay for advertising. While running ads can help boost your sales and brand visibility, relying solely on them can be costly. Focusing on organic search results can drive consistent traffic to your listings without the need for continuous ad investments. Additionally, organic sales can help improve your overall conversion rate, since customers tend to trust organic results more than paid ads.

By paying attention to Amazon SEO and optimizing your product listings, you can drive more sales, increase brand visibility, and get traffic without relying on paid advertising. This will ultimately lead to a more profitable and sustainable Amazon business.

Amazon A9 Ranking Factors

The Amazon A9 algorithm takes into account several factors when determining product rankings. This section will discuss these factors in detail to help you optimize your product listings for better visibility on Amazon.

Keywords Used

Choosing the right keywords is essential for Amazon SEO. By conducting keyword research, you will discover the most relevant keywords for your product. Good keyword usage helps increase your product's visibility in search results and ultimately leads to more sales.

Keyword Relevance

Your product listing should be optimized with relevant keywords in the title, bullet points, and description. The more relevant the keywords, the higher your product will be ranked in search results. This is crucial as customers typically search for products using specific keywords.

Sales Velocity

Sales velocity is the speed at which your products are selling over a period of time. Amazon A9 algorithm places importance on sales velocity as it shows how in-demand a product is. A high sales velocity will result in a better ranking for your product on Amazon's search results.

Conversion Rate

The conversion rate measures how often customers complete a purchase after visiting your product listing. A higher conversion rate indicates that your listing is effective in convincing customers to buy your product. Amazon's A9 algorithm prefers listings with higher conversion rates, ultimately improving your product's visibility.


Pricing plays a significant role in product rankings as customers are more likely to purchase reasonably priced products. Competitive pricing increases the chances of your products appearing in search results, thus leading to more sales.

Listing Quality

High-quality listings are crucial for better rankings on Amazon. Ensure that your product listing contains clear, accurate descriptions, high-quality images, and relevant keywords. This ultimately helps increase your product's visibility and sales.


Customer reviews are an essential aspect of Amazon's A9 algorithm. Products with a higher number of positive ratings and reviews tend to rank higher. Encourage your customers to leave reviews, as this can boost your product's rankings significantly.

By optimizing your product listings based on these Amazon A9 ranking factors, you can improve your product visibility and increase your sales on the platform.

Amazon A9 vs Google Search

When comparing the Amazon A9 algorithm and Google Search, there are similarities and differences that you should be aware of. Both algorithms are designed to provide the most relevant results, but their focus varies. The A9 algorithm is used by Amazon to rank products on its platform, while Google Search is a search engine that aims to provide the best results for various types of searches.

One key difference between the A9 algorithm and Google's search engine is the emphasis on sales conversions. This means that products ranked highly by the A9 algorithm are more likely to be purchased, as Amazon prioritizes products with higher conversion rates. In contrast, Google Search prioritizes various factors like backlinks, content quality, and user experience.

Another aspect to consider is the nature of the search results. Amazon's search results primarily display products, while Google Search provides a mixture of websites, news articles, images, and videos. Due to this variety, the way users engage with both platforms differ, impacting the way results are ranked.

As you optimize your presence on both platforms, it's essential to adapt your strategies accordingly. For example, on Amazon, you'll want to focus on optimizing product listings, pricing, and customer reviews. On the other hand, to rank higher on Google, you'll need to concentrate on creating high-quality content and following SEO best practices. Understanding the differences between the two algorithms can help youWoman shopping online capitalize on each platform effectively for maximum results.

In summary, the Amazon A9 algorithm and Google Search are different in their function, focus, and type of search results. By considering these differences and tailoring your approach, you can ensure your success on both platforms.

A9 Keyword Research

In order to optimize your product listings for the Amazon A9 algorithm, it's essential to conduct effective keyword research. Keyword research helps you identify the most relevant search terms that customers are using to find products like yours. By choosing the right keywords, you can improve your product's visibility and increase the chances of making a sale.

First, think about the primary and secondary keywords that describe your product. Primary keywords are directly related to your product's main features, while secondary keywords refer to the additional benefits or uses. Try to list out as many keywords as possible, and then narrow down your options based on relevance and search volume.

To ensure your chosen keywords are relevant, think about your target audience and their search behavior. What are the search terms they are most likely to use when looking for your product? By putting yourself in your customer's shoes, you can better understand the types of keywords that will help your product rank higher in Amazon's search results.

There are tools available to help you with keyword research, such as Amazon's own "search bar suggestions" feature. Simply type your main keyword into the search bar and pay attention to the suggested search terms that appear below. These suggested terms can be a great starting point for your research as they represent popular search queries used by shoppers.

Another option is to analyze your competitors' product listings. By looking at the keywords they are using in their titles, descriptions, and bullet points, you can identify search terms that may also be relevant to your product. Be sure to analyze well-performing competitors, as their optimization strategies are likely to be more effective.

Lastly, consider using dedicated keyword research tools, such as keyword scout, to gain deeper insights into search volumes, competition levels, and long-tail keyword opportunities. These tools can help you make data-driven decisions in your keyword research, ultimately leading to more effective optimizations.

Once you have identified the most relevant keywords for your product, incorporate them naturally into your listing's title, description, and bullet points. By optimizing your listing with these keywords, you'll increase the likelihood of your product being discovered by potential customers and improve your product's chances of ranking highly in the Amazon A9 algorithm.

Monitoring Performance and Rankings

To ensure your products rank well on Amazon and ultimately increase sales, it's essential to monitor their performance and rankings using Amazon's A9 algorithm. By keeping a close eye on your product listings, you can identify areas that need improvement and implement necessary changes.

It's crucial to track both your rankings and performance on Amazon's platform. One efficient way to achieve this is by utilizing Amazon's business reports. These reports provide you with valuable insights into your product listings' performance and can help you identify growth opportunities.

To access your business reports, log in to your Amazon Seller Central account and navigate to the "Reports" tab. Amazon offers various report types, such as sales, customer behavior, and advertising reports. Each report is valuable in gaining a better understanding of how your products are performing and how customers are interacting with your listings.

To analyze your product's performance, pay attention to a few key metrics:

  • Sales and Traffic: This report tracks your overall sales numbers, page views, and unique visits. It provides you with an idea of how well your products are converting and generating interest among customers.
  • Conversion Rate: By monitoring your conversion rate, you can determine how effective your product listings are at persuading customers to make a purchase.
  • Buy Box Percentage: Winning the Buy Box helps boost your visibility on Amazon. Tracking your Buy Box percentage will show you if your products are consistently securing this prime spot.

Similarly, it's important to monitor your products' rankings on Amazon. Your product's ranking plays a significant role in determining its visibility on the platform. A high-ranking product is more likely to attract customers and generate sales. To monitor your rankings on Amazon, use tools specifically designed for this purpose, such as keyword trackers or rank-checking software.

In summary, regularly monitoring your products' performance and rankings on Amazon is crucial for growth and success on the platform. By utilizing Amazon's available resources, you can make data-driven decisions to optimize your listings and improve your overall business strategy.

Maximize Rankings and Sales with Profasee

To succeed on Amazon's marketplace, it is crucial for you to understand the A9 algorithm. By knowing how it works, you can maximize your product rankings and increase sales conversions. The A9 algorithm is Amazon's system for determining how products appear in search results, with a strong emphasis on sales conversions.

To optimize your performance on Amazon, you should focus on enhancing your product listings for the A9 algorithm. Amazon SEO plays a significant role in driving visibility, attracting potential buyers, and generating sales. There are a few key factors that you should consider when optimizing your listings:

  • Relevance: Ensure that your product title, description, and keywords are closely aligned with what customers are searching for. By matching the customer's search query, you increase the likelihood of your product being displayed in the search results.
  • Sales Performance: Your product's sales history plays a major role in determining its ranking. Higher sales indicate that your product is popular and relevant to customer needs. To boost your sales performance, make sure to provide accurate and detailed product information, use high-quality images, and maintain competitive pricing.
  • Customer Reviews and Ratings: Positive customer reviews and high ratings can greatly influence your product's ranking. Encourage satisfied customers to leave feedback and address any customer concerns promptly to improve your overall ratings.

Make sure your product listings are fully optimized for the Amazon A9 algorithm. By implementing these strategies, you will enhance your product rankings on Amazon, leading to increased sales conversions and improved performance on the platform.

Frequently Asked Questions

How does Amazon A9 algorithm influence search results?

The Amazon A9 Algorithm is the system used by Amazon to rank products on its site and suggest products based on their relevance. When you search for a product, the A9 algorithm determines the order in which products are displayed, typically showing the most relevant items first. It's important to understand that A9's primary goal is to increase sales and margin for Amazon, by considering factors such as product relevance, price, and customer reviews 1.

What are the key factors affecting A9 algorithm rankings?

Some of the key factors influencing the A9 algorithm rankings include product title, product description, price, availability, sales history, and customer reviews. A well-optimized listing with clear and accurate information, competitive pricing, and positive customer reviews can improve your product's ranking in search results, ultimately increasing its visibility and potential sales 2.

How can I optimize my product listings for the A9 algorithm?

Optimizing your product listings for the A9 algorithm involves improving product title, description, pricing, and keywords, as well as addressing customer reviews and using high-quality images. Focus on using relevant and popular search terms in your titles and descriptions, ensuring your pricing is competitive, and maintaining a positive customer review score. Additionally, closely monitor your sales performance and make any necessary adjustments to stay ahead of your competition 3.

What are the differences between A9 and A10 algorithms?

While both A9 and A10 are Amazon's search algorithms aiming to increase sales and margin, the main difference lies in their approach to ranking products. A9 emphasizes traditional factors such as product relevance, price, and customer reviews. On the other hand, A10 focuses more on external factors like social media presence, product content quality, and user behavior. The A10 algorithm is designed to provide a more personalized and relevant shopping experience for Amazon users, by taking into account these additional factors 4.

How does Amazon's A9 algorithm compare to Google's search algorithm?

Both Amazon's A9 and Google's search algorithms aim to provide the best possible search results for their users. However, their emphasis differs. The A9 algorithm focuses primarily on commercial aspects like product relevance, price, and customer reviews to increase sales and margin for Amazon 5. Google's search algorithm, on the other hand, considers a wide range of factors, including the relevance and quality of the content, user behavior, and the authority and credibility of the website, to provide comprehensive and informative search results for the users 6.

What is the role of advertising in the Amazon A9 algorithm?

Advertising plays a crucial role in the Amazon A9 algorithm, as it helps boost product visibility on the platform. By bidding on relevant keywords through Amazon's advertising platform, you can showcase your product higher in the search results, reaching more potential buyers. Keep in mind that Amazon takes the performance of your ads, such as click-through rate and conversion rate, into account when ranking products. So, investing in well-targeted and optimized advertising campaigns can help improve both your search rankings and overall sales performance 7.


  1. https://youramzseller.com/blog/amazons-algorithm-a9
  2. https://searchengineland.com/amazons-a9-product-ranking-algorithm-beginners-guide-329801
  3. https://sellerplex.com/amazon-a9-algorithm/
  4. https://sellersessions.com/how-amazon-ranking-models-work/
  5. https://www.envisionhorizons.com/blog/2019/07/11/amazons-a9-algorithm
  6. https://www.google.com/search/howsearchworks/algorithms/
  7. https://advertising.amazon.com/resources/learning/amazon-algorithm

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